The patient was a 41-year-old woman experiencing severe lumbago for several\nyears. The physician-in-charge referred her for dental treatment because\nexamination did not reveal any specific abnormality in her lower back. Prior\nto the treatment, the patient could barely bend forward and backward because\nof serious back pain. Her body flexibility and lower back pain improved\nwhen a gold alloy cast crown was placed near her feet. However, when the\ncrown was covered with aluminum foil, it was again very difficult for her to\nbend her body forward and backward. These results suggested that her body\nreacted positively because good electromagnetic waves emitted by the crown\nwere absorbed by the body. The alloy used to make the crown was chosen\nusing the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test. Moreover, the shape, contact strength, and\nocclusion (biting condition) of the crown were also determined by the\nBi-Digital O-Ring Test. After the crown was placed on her upper right first\nmolar, her lumbago completely disappeared and did not recur for >5 years of\nfollow-up. The effectiveness of electromagnetic waves on the condition of the\nbody, as in this case, has not often been acknowledged in modern medicine,\nand the underlying mechanism remains unclear; therefore, further research is\nrequired.